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Is seafood healthy?

  No. Ironically people eat seafood when they choose to be healthy. Fish is high protein and low in fat. Most fish have other nutritional benefits. Unfortunately, our streams, lakes and oceans are contaminated with pesticides, fertilizers, and industrial waste. The most toxic of pollutants are heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic, which are present in high concentrations in all fish.
  Besides the pollutants in our waters, fish farming adds another level of hazard with food antibiotics and other long lasting toxins. How important is this? Very. If one realizes that a woman is told by her obstetrician to restrict eating fish while pregnant because of the hazard to the developing fetus, why should it be different for adults? Although some fish is less toxic than others, its impossible for the consumer to choose healthy fish because the fishing industry is corrupt. The Oceanic society has found that more than thirty percent of fish species and their origin are mislabeled.

The food industry says sugar is sugar.

  No. sugar is not sugar; fructose is not fructose. Since nature is self-devouring and nature has evolved from itself into many forms, there is a universal agreement that proteins and sugars among many other compounds have one of the many symmetries possible. What does that mean?

What is wrong with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)?

 So, In the chemist world there is the concept of chirality. A substance may have the same composition, but there is a stereo chemistry involved. Like a glove may have five finger but it does not fit on both hands. Manufactured HFCS produce both fructose molecules, designated as D-fructose or L-fructose, but the body treats both differently because one form it does not readily recognized in nature, as it is supplied in fruit and vegetables. These causes disease in the human body such as diabetes and heart disease. The high levels of unregulated sugar in the blood stream after a sizable ingestion of HFCS foods cause the following: Decreased ability for the pancreas to clear this unusual sugar from the bloodstream, similar to a diabetic. That's situation number one. Eventually the sugar is converted directly into fat as the bodies most efficient way of clearing it from the blood stream. 
  The second problem with this sugar is that it is toxic in high concentration to the endothelium lining of blood vessels causing heart disease. The best think in a diet is sugar that is bound in complex carbohydrates that is time-released so that the body can handle it better. 

Is bleached flour bad for you?

Bleaching wheat is a industrial process of oxidizing it to prevent it from turning rancid. If using chlorine or bromine as opposed to oxygen, the taste buds can not perceive the oxidation, so it taste delicious and sweet with a longer shelf life. The oxidation gives flour additional characteristics of fluffy texture and sweeter flavor. Of course these modified starches are more soluble and are processes by the liver in a way that harms health.

Put our expertise to work for you. At The fundamental monotheist, we are proud to have researched issues relating to health and the environment.
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This chemical 
is spearmint
This chemical is caraway
This fructose occurs in nature
This fructose is found in HFCS. 
Sugar is not sugar, and this why HFCS may lead to diabetes and heart disease.
What’s one thing that I can do to save the environment?

  Do not through food away. Eat what you serve on your plate, and then store leftovers. Use all part of the edible produce. Eating all parts of produce is preferable to even composting and so much better for your health. One of the worst habits of American culture is the obsession with refining food. So many prefer to have animals or vegetables dissected, refined into pills in the forms of nutritional supplements then recombined in a fistful of pills, rather than just eating the whole thing, be it an animal or vegetable. Eat the liver, eat the sweetbreads, eat the tripe, eat the parsley leaves and its stems, eat the whole celery stalk including the leaves, and eat the apple peal and core…why not? It sure beats have a cancerous colon removed from lack of fiber in one’s diet. So much food is thrown away, that accounting for the waste is devastating. The most effective way to bring about change in the abusive practices of agriculture is to change our bad practices of consumption. Let’s look at how high yield agriculture harms us and our environment to see why this is important 

 • GMO or genetically modified organisms are plants and animals that have inserted genetic material from other organisms. So a cow has human genes to make human like milk, or soy contains genes from some bacteria so that a soy plant produce bacterial antibiotics products. A genetically modified goat can make spider silk in its milk or a chicken can make its own systemic growth hormones for fast growth. All the above are true. Our genetic code is being adulterated with its own set of consequences including food allergies, disease and mortality. The most common plants modified are corn and soy. These plants contain genetic alterations for handling higher levels of pesticides and herbicides as well as producing their own systemic toxins against pests and disease. The most evident example is the vanishing bees that were used in high yield farms containing GMO plants that eventually die off from the toxicity of GMO plants.

 • Seed production is by far under the control of a single manufacturer-. The seeds are crossed so that the offspring seeds produce dwarf plants, thereby requiring the farmer to always depend on a supplier. In addition, these high yield crops are bred to require high quantities of petrochemical fertilizer and patented pesticide/herbicides that the plant can resist. This creates substantial dependence on the seed supplier. The farmer has to buy the seed the fertilizer and the pesticides together. Little alternatives exist to stay competitive squeezing out small farmers using traditional techniques.

 • Single crop farming, or monoculture farming, using high yield seeds is fraught with difficulties. The biggest problem facing monoculture farming is resistant disease or pests that kill about thirty percent of crop production.

 • Long distance shipping and distribution from transcontinental farm trade, increases the petrol dependence in food production. Decreases the quality of food freshness, and increases spoilage. Markets further increase waste by means of poor storage and relentless consumer need to prefer blemish-free produce. Another third of food production end up in the dumpster before it is bought by the consumer.

 • In the home, the produce if further refined and wasted in the course of meal preparation. Along with unfinished food and leftovers about another third is wasted in the household.
About 28% of produce is eaten from the time it sprouts from seed till a meal is finished. With government subsidies, high food costs and carbon fuel usage, food is on top of the environmental culprits in destroying our world equilibrium.