The Fundamental Monotheist
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"Fundamental Monotheism
is based on our visible world. No other  belief claims that."

Read the following selected topics, 
and explore different points of view.
October 29, 2021

Does god want us to die?

Yes, If we were to speculate that creation is an ongoing process, evolution is essential in the human race, than our mortality plays a pivotal role physically and socially. It seems that most of the evolutionary pressure involves the development of a stable society that has not been achieved to date. Capitalism is one of many social constructs, but most importantly constructs are an expression of an emotional flavor or color of the majority to occur. This color or flavor of the social construct is coupled with an emotional component that is hardwired personality traits specific for that group of people. The evolutionary pressures involved in the advancement of traits include but not limited to:  war, genocide, executions, murder...etc.
Is the application of monotheistic fundamentalism's principles go counter to the evolution of a stable society by eradicating necessary pressure upon human kind? No. Monotheistic fundamentalism principles do not depend on random social characteristics and the processes of ascent and decent of that social civilization to test its stability. The principles work from the inside out: meaning that the society assumes stability and through overt education and knowledge it can spontaneously evolve into innately emotional change.

August 13, 20121

Is there such thing as ESP?

No. No in the form of incantations, spells, miracles and paranormal. Sometimes when something is not well understood, explanations are made to fill in unknown experiences not based on science. Conversely, experiences maybe rationalized using scientific thinking incorrectly. 

Interestingly enough, in the neuroscience field, scientists have been reporting some research observations in microtubule formation in growing brain cell that have the ability to split photons creating a quantum entanglement. If these are results from observations that originate in human sensory perceptions, this may open new possibilities to everything in the universe.

In the double slit experiments, the diffractions were altered whether a human or a computer observed the photons. It can be argued the the brain has some similar properties to a computer through our senses observing our surroundings. Observational experiences may create a quantum entanglement in our brains, and some connection to the universe.

Can this be drawn to "extra sensory perceptions: ESP " such as feelings of being watched? As fundamental monotheists, it is important to know things that are based on critical observation. But, when something reveling may be unexpected to common reason...follow the science. This is the safest way to grow as a society with less suffering and a door opening wide to our wonderment.

May 20, 2021

Does politics trump justice?

Yes. Justice is not fairly applied and outcomes are submersed in personal bias. It appears that impartiality is too difficult. This is caused by an up and down deterioration of legislative and judicial branches of governance led by undereducated actors. To reduce suffering the electorate should be better educated.

Does god offer a morality "tax" shelter from judgement?

Many religious followers believe there is a loophole in moral behavior which excludes sin when conducting business. There is another set of rules out side of religion called business ethics. This brand of behavior governs us more than what we like to believe. The excuse is always " business is business". ascribing to that philosophy is in the  present a failing of humanity and moral turpitude. Public relations firms try to paint an exterior of business propriety but it turns out to be what it is: PR. Some say that the love of money is the route of all evil, and a business man will never enter his kingdom. Maybe there is more to that than just a lesser story in scripture.
When everyone can act in general with a moral code of honor in all aspects of their life can suffering diminish.

August 3, 2020

​How do we fix this society?

There is rampant corruption everywhere and money is enabled it. Not only the billionaires, but also the shop owners and even domestic workers can be culprits. When someone is cheating someone else, distrust and hatred exist. And, there is enough suffering to go around.
Most governments have built in corruption avenues requiring Herculean strength  to fix, at least all at once. Maybe fix the worst offender first,  and move on to the next problem.

Money is the biggest culprit of corruption and many have theorized a cashless economy with objections to privacy issues. The privacy issues are of course linking transaction to identity necessary to achieve accountability for taxation. Ultimately people like using public works but don't want to pay for it. Transactions do not have to be identified, just as cash, but can be taxed. If every transaction can be taxed at..say 0.05% there is no need for ANY other taxes. Thus, a couple paying the baby sitter get taxed, the stock trader gets taxed and the multinational corporation gets taxed. If you are poor, you pay very little and vice versa.

It's irrelevant who is making the transactions, it is irrelevant to keep accounting books, its irrelevant to have an IRS--maybe a transaction fraud department. Fair taxation flattens the wealth disparity and guarantees a stable world. Having a just society is the ultimate goal of the Fundamental  Monotheist.

May 1, 2020

What is a high probability conspiracy-theory regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic.

All knowledge is subject to interpretation and manipulation. We now are aware that it's commonplace on the world stage. As such, the truth should be questioned. Examining the truth is common in journalism, but outside journalism it's called conspiracy theories.  In an untrustworthy world, why not question the origins of the Pandemic. What can it teach us.

Washington Post on March 15 associates the COVID-19 strain of virus with a bio-terrorism lab in Wuhan, China. Was this an accident? Why were they developing it? When would they use it?: Did China unleash this virus? Why would it on its own population?

There are may be multiple reasons why China may have started a bio-terrorism silent war. In this conspiracy case scenario, it would follow standard bio-terrorist agent protocol. First isolate something deadly and highly transmutable. Second, make the 'antidote"--such as a vaccine or drug. But to unleash it on it's own people? That's counter intuitive. It was mentioned earlier that there are multiple reasons why China may act this way. Probable speculation is China did this in part  to rid itself of the aging population problem, which comes with increasing demand for resources and decreasing productivity. Its common knowledge that an aging population has bankrupted countries with social programs. The high lethality of COVID-19 on the elderly, it's a apropos "bookend" to their once one-child-per-family program in aspiration of world domination. A  Chinese epidemic could be a solution; call it the Chinese Pass-over, but this time it's the sparing of the young.

If the Chinese have a vaccine,  how do they keep secrecy of their deeds. Who has been vaccinated? Probably high value individuals have been vaccinated prior to the spread of the virus. Maybe through flu vaccinations in wealthy clinics or medical practices or business clinics. The spread of COVID-19 in poor communities is effortless and rids the impoverished and, in the confusion, concomitantly redirect any maleficent motivations. Statistically, one wonders what is the incidence of infection with political and business leaders in china. 

The spread of COVID-19 in industrialized nations, world domination can be an easy grasp for China. With control of the vaccine, for now, and the manufacture of personal protective equipment, China is far ahead in the game of domination. While the US has squandered it's national debt on tax relief going to company buy-backs driving a paradoxical economy of Wall Street boom and diminishing industrialization, china has been buying most of the US debt. The pending US and EU economic depression alongside China's currency manipulation, the world will be a bargain flee market for Chinese capital investment with US dollars. And there it is, reality or conspiracy.

We will never have any proof of any of this, just like we don't have any proof of Russian interference into 2016 elections,  or "Dirt on Joe Biden". But why this way? Why would China be so evil to cause so much suffering?  Could it be a tooth for a tooth maybe? What have we done to China to deserve this.With relentless trade tariff wars, China has been cornered, and their prosperity threatened. China needs economic growth over 5-8% to stay afloat in a rapidly industrializing economy, but with a trade war that growth rate has evaporated.  China has no other consumers but the West. Hard blow for them. Provocation and retaliation with out limits always ends with suffering. Greed, avarice and power is the basic structure of all our civilizations and there will always  be suffering. The fundamental  monotheist uses knowledge and understanding to decrease suffering by outgrowing basic instincts. Decreasing suffering should not be confused with a call for handouts or charity. fundamental monotheism is a structure of sustainable life.

March 9, 2020

Is there a hand of god?

Yes, metaphorically. Belief in (magical) miracles is for the desperately wanton, trying to prove the existence of their god. This neediness is inherently self-destructive and leads to darkness. But we can say that metaphorically the only miracle is the miracle of life and absence of miracles is death. One can imagine the most powerful force, other than life, is death. Humanity has been molded with death through man slaughter, murder, war, punishment and illness. Humanity has also been molded by love, success, and prosperity. There are small differences in the make up of everyone's personality that makes us unique and different. Small differences in our will or volition that makes us loved, liked, admired, respected, hated, despised and abhorred. Differences that makes us visionary or blind, leader or follower, nurturer or killer, honest or thief..etc. Who lives and who dies? Who prospers and who demises. Who is rewarded and who is punished? The answer is, it depends on how the hand of god acts at that moment. One has to understand death as the key that opens this knowledge.  Although miracles are typically one person's testimony, not witness by others, God's hand is visible to all--​There is no mysticism.
For example, someone with a homicidal personality that ia a killer is considered a murderer and may even be put to death, but that same person is a warrior who kills the enemy and a hero in time of war. The context is important and that personality coexist expressed as a murderer or hero.. Traits, whether inherited or not, mold society. It is traits, in aggregate, that determine the success or demise of that civilization in that moment of time. Civilization rise and fall upon their success in the path taken. A society is tied to its inherent individual personality and it;s culture/economy, and the unity is inseparable and unchangeable in retrospect. A commitment exists in a civilization that can move forward with great difficulty hindered by it's legacy. Humanity is messy and in lock-step, slowly over centuries, with one step defining the next, a legacy, a future leading may lead to an optimistic or pessimistic future. Whether it path neaders, steps backwards or forward is the hand of god. A creation that is inherently programmed to express a future through it's own ability. This is the hand of god. Scientifically, it's a gamble. 

One now has to ask, how can we define god and characterize the hand of god. Isn't that a teaching that we should not do. Well no, this truth is visible to all. Its not in apocrypha or scripture or a vault of secrets held in someone's temple. It is evident to anyone willing to learn. The Fundamental Monotheist view of god is that which is revealed within the bounds of our senses. We have the tools and knowledge to see and we shouldn't imagine.

December 17, 2019

Is the human race still evolving?

Yes. The human race has always evolved.  Darwinian environmental pressures for survival are not the main cause of the evolution that is going on today. There is an intellectual and ideological evolution separating the human race in to two basic factions. An aggressive, amoral, limited intellectual faction and an elitist congregationalist faction.
The elitist faction is evolutionary progressive, sustainable population, while the other, the traditional murderous opportunist faction lives on inflict pain to others. Ironically, the traditional faction has the strongest individuals, so one would think they could overcome anything. Yet economically the elite faction can succeed economically because of control of the economy and technology is restricted to the elites.

Co-existence is doubtful because of threatening violence. Ultimately perhaps an exodus or separation of some sort will end it. It is a bottleneck in our evolution and it is destined to break. The Fundamental Monotheist supports the continued evolution of humans, in hopes of decreasing suffering.

October 30, 2018

The following is a seasonal  poem to contemplate knowledge, truth and belief.

                I am your God
                        praise Me
                        adore Me
                        obey Me
                Do not do what I say to do when I say not to do.
                        or I will burn your flesh
                            forever ForEver FOREVER
                                                                                                             anon. (c)

October 26, 2018

Is America on the decline?

Yes.  Like all empires, they have a longevity. A combination of education, culture, politics and beliefs have an economic acme. For America, the limiting factor is the national intelligence quotient. It appears the quotient distribution is 33% uneducated, 33% functional, 33% educated. Technological and social advances are limited with stagnant population education. Stagnation leads to a depressed culture and ultimately low birth rates. A low birth rate is the arsenic to a capitalistic society. Unfortunately, imperialism, as evident from earlier attempts, is not the antidote.

October 19, 2018

Are women better leaders?

​Besides being a total sexist question, men and woman are basically the same. Politicians soon enough perpetuate towards self interest. Representative democracies, in general, negotiate conflicts between the proletariat and the middle class. Politics rarely prioritizes progress towards a common good. Men and women are equally conflicted under such circumstances and both will make wrong decisions, if not the same bad decisions. Under these circumstances progress branch in a bizarre direction valuing material consumption.

June 20, 2017

What is the indignant child?

Some children are inherently violent. Others are raised in violent homes. But, all children are capable of violence. It's part of human expression, and it expresses into adulthood. Injustice is one condition that leads adults to violence--as in an old fashion peasant uprising. Humans need to feel there is justice in the world to feel healthy. Violence is an organic countermeasure in maintaining a balance. When social abuse, whether it's economic concentration or social injustice, becomes intolerable, destruction finds it way to solve the issue. Inability to grow from past examples of social breakdowns leads to despair and results in suffering. Societies unable to resolve suffering perish one way or another.

May 19, 2017

What is so terrible about finding Jesus?

Evangelical christians seek redemption leading to salvation by developing a personal relationship with Jesus. There is nothing wrong with that...or, is there? As in any other faith,focusing on a directed mission of spiritual self improvement can lead to untoward outcomes. Frequently the "spirituality" is misplaced zealotry. By taking the focus away from the community and concentrating spirituality within the realm of a singular soul, seeking heaven, is desolating. People who seek spirituality by worshiping a god for personal spiritual benefits leads to isolation and therefore suffering.

June 27, 2016

​What is the economy of the future?

Knowledge must be the most prized commodity. The deterioration of materialism in the form of excessive consumption and rise of intellectualism is the goal for the future. Currently, knowledge is a mechanism of economic exclusion, leading to classism. One should not be fooled by "exception to the rule" personal stories to deviate clearly from the overwhelming truth. Why would a capitalist aristocrat want all children to be educated. What then? 

March 31, 2016

What are the two most important attributes of human exploitation in capitalism?

The first attribute is the use of fear of starvation, in exchange for work. The second is, cultural perversions, for the stimulation of reproduction.

Clearly satiation of hunger is a primal necessity, and a system of work and reward is the economy of the masses. Understandably there are other factors going into the mix such as incarceration and austrization...etc, the basic equation is this simple. Anyone out side of this structure is viewed as an illegitimate member of the system. They are scorned as welfare takers and users.

Second attribute is reproduction for population growth. Capitalism depends on a steady rise in birth rate. Without population growth, capitalism dies, and so does that society. One factor in maintaining that growth is with teenage institutionalized sexualization leading to teen pregnancy, a key factor. Without the availability of contraception or abortion, birth rate can be moderately improved. Delusions of marriage and motherhood result in even more pressure to reproduce,  leading to higher births, as seen in mature women. Despite the fact that both marriage and parenting are statistically unsuccessful endeavours.

Clear reflection of our lives, and why we do things that we do, can help us understand the truth, and lessen our suffering..

October 23, 2015

What makes it so hard for us to be better?

     People know that we are imperfect, but when it comes to actually talking about our imperfections, that's a harder conversation.  We are at odds with all that we have, so life is a evolving conflict. Be it our biology, our society or our nation.
    How does this all come together, so we can understand it. It is all about competition--its the driving force of our biology. Our own biology is infinitely woven into our identity, which include aggression and competitiveness. Nature has many examples of competitiveness, yet humans have an additional layer of complexity of living in a  social structure.  Our social structure is hardly settled. What you see is never going to resemble the stable society we are hopefully destined to have.There is a struggle to create a stable society. Thus far, we have only created unstable societies. Rise and collapse, with endless casualties. Where does this struggle come from and how does it manifest as a force of change? The ancients quickly discovered this force from observing family traits, (soi, translated from the greek meaning type). These traits add up, like a puzzle, to create a structure. Families, tribes or nations thus became targets of a competitive struggle to dominate soi and propagate it. Soi was the building block of a desired social structure and it has to be propagated to dominate. Of Course economics and wealth were the anchors that prevented this type of selection to work, and resulting in multitude of murderous conflicts. So predominate is this kind competitive biology, that even individuals murder their own soi, for satisfaction. Humans are one of few species that kill it's own. The chaos of this biology has resulted in waste incompatible with stability. 
     Within soi are there pockets of elites, people exclusive of competitive biology?  Such elite would never have any power, wealth, or proliferation within a competitive social structure, because they would be incompatible. Elite may be  born,  live and die, with their consequential proof of existence, a silent voice, that get muffled and distorted.There is hope that does exists within humanity, a world free of suffering. One dreams of the elite.

October 15, 2015

Who is more powerful, satan or god?

   If we were to compare satan and god, as many people believe, there is a struggle between these two. Satan uses many powerful modalities to take a soul. God, on the other hand, has a outdated book, the bible, to influence a soul. 
   The ultimate challenge between god and satan is the human soul. When satan takes a soul, he gains strength to win over god.  When god takes a souls, he remains unchanged, but he judges. Some souls will be chosen to live in a permanent state gratitude, others will be tormented.
    God collects souls to reward or punish, satan collects souls to gain power. Thus is the main structure of modern religions believing in satan. The story is embellished effectively to scare a child or adult into following.
    It is curious that people of faith have not come to the conclusion that if satan were to materialize, what would he look like. Would he be hideous, or would he be beautiful?  Does satan have any powers to control his appearance. Would he appear as an angel, or even a  god...promising redemption?  If satan and god were truly what we think they are, it make no sense that they have such rules of engagement with each other and humans. You have to be pretty blind not to see how this whole thing falls apart, if you dare.

December 22, 2014
When is the day of judgment?

   One day humanity will reach an awareness, look to the past and judge our forefather's sins openly. The notion of their God will be questioned, and will be brought to judgment. All past notions of god will be condemned and the monotheistic-fundamentalist vision will prevail. Without suffering, without killing.

December 21, 2014
Do most people worship a bad god? 
    Yes, they choose to believe in an evil doer. Everyone likes to define God egotistically-- It's an effort to make God understandable. God has morphed into a strange caricature of ourselves--some good, but mostly bad.  No one is willing to stand back to see the irony, and only dive deeper into the chaotic rationalizations. 

Every one knows the worst of these man-made depictions are:
  • God will hurt you with endless pain and suffering, and then you die, and then it will probably get worse.
  • God condemned humanity for knowing too much. The long term plan was for ignorance.
  • God created the devil, who is more powerful and painful.
  • God flooded earth as a do-over because he messed up the first time.
  • Blacks are cursed because of Noah's substance abuse problem and boy-crush with his son.
  • God punishes humans over and over again, but this time he did it by extending their vocabulary. After learning Chinese at Babble, the Chinese traveled to live in China.
  • The Israelites are the chosen ones, everyone else is a wanabe ( me-me-me-me-me).
  • God needs alot of blood regularly at the altar for amusement...then he will really-really like you.
  • God gave the thumbs up to genocide because Israelites needed a place to stay when they left the meanie Egyptians, where the Israelites were pissed they couldn't go co-op.
  • God published a cookbook. Lesson 1: Do not cook baby cows, who are tied and bound in small wood boxes from birth, in their own mother's milk. Also, making flat bread under 15 minutes.
  • God came out with room deodorizers in three lovely scents: myrrh, frankincense and gold. If you don't use them, and he will turn down the invite.
  • God needs endless adoration--it's a jealousy thing, or he will punish you to eternal torture.
  • God tired of coming to earth, so he sent a copy of himself. And life on earth is now worse for it. (Don't send a boy to do a man's job. Do-over again?)
  • God made a nice place to reward the faithful for all the adoration/devotion when they die, but it's still under construction. Sorry:( 
  • God likes polygamy, with a little business on the side. And, if one of the wives stains the sheets with menstrual blood, kill her (outside preferably so she doesn't make a new mess on the rug).
  • Then, God will destroy the earth--cuz he just hasn't caused enough destruction. 
  • God's "intelligent design" was creating life based on a self-devouring survival model. Should have gone vegetarian, or maybe this is this the dummied-down version?

Just the tip of the iceberg! 
God has been constructed into a raging murderous, blood-thirsty, wrathful, egotistical, unstable, arbitrary, abusive, racist, menacing, megalomaniacal, revengeful---evil god.
This is not god! No truly-inspired prophet would have created such images.

The monotheistic-fundamentalist do not honor such images of god. We believe in a god that ends suffering. There is only one view one vision one world. Let the story be retold.

October 20, 2014
Edited Dec 18, 2014
How do I know that this is not just another radical cult?

  Practically every society has a belief system and every society has a leadership structure. These are interrelated and complement each other as the foundation of a social organization. But why do people believe in god, and why do people follow leaders? Why is this a universal finding. The answer to this is just as important as is the solution to bringing changes into this world and solving suffering.

  Why do people believe in god? It may not be an god people seek but are compelled to find but a human need to fulfill believing. Belief is a human emotion that stems from the most profound aspects of our being. It is an aura of safety and protection. For some, not believing is an unconscionable state, and for others, it is a punishable offence deserving of death. Collectively these are the social pressures that play into the evolutionary selection creating our present humanity. This legacy of belief is not erasable since it is imbedded into our genetic makeup, and as any other hard wired instincts, it may be modified behaviorally or on a longer time scale instinctively. into another outcome. Our emotional makeup is committed in moving forward into the future. 

  So everyone believes in something. Religion is the manifestation of a belief. Belief is the human factor passed down from one generation to another through inheritance. Religion is passed from generation to generation through the social construct. Belief changes in the context of social cohesion and stability, but the expression of religion varies in the specific legacy of a culture and its economic pressures. Belief is a complex part of our psyche, religion is not. Religion is a choice, belief is not. Just as hunger is not a choice but the flavor of the meal is a choice.

  On a grander scale, the manifestation of a religious practice is an agonal process, undergoing fabrication by vested individuals, and ultimately in the hands of the powerful. One can never be sure of the wholesomeness of the outcome. If done right it can be an inspiration and a benefit. If done wrong, darkness can befall. If a society cannot exist in harmony, and is manipulated by religion for the benefit of a few, that society goes stale and disperses. When the spirit suffers by way of manifestation of cruelty, then confusion and despair prevail. There is suffering, even those who profit from the spoils of their own oppressive manipulation. Every one suffers.

  There has never been a religious movement from the past to the present that has relieved human suffering. On the contrary, great atrocities have happened. The monotheistic-fundamentalists Recognizes the internal desire to believe, and is in search for a religion that complements our nature, benefits others and lessens suffering.

  Equally important aspect of our humanity is to desire to follow a leader. It's an instinctual obedience of leader. It makes us feel safe in a hostile and unpredictable world requiring collective action for safety. As such groups with good leadership creating harmony, prosperity and stability creates a euphoric existence for all. Without leadership or misguided leadership creates dysphoria and dissolution into a basic structure of the family unit. Unfortunately leadership has no "higher power" for guidance, and the individuals characteristics prevail and affect all those involved, for better or worst. The power that goes with such a position is inescapably corruptible. The solution for this concentrated power has been democracy. With the efforts to make a workable democracy, representative democracy has fail into equal corruptible pitfall. Regardless of style of leadership, leadership eventually falls into the wrong hands, promoting their own profiteering, with irrespective of the people. Corrupt leaders become skilled in managing the fine walk between greed and public opinion. Nevertheless, when needs are circumvented chaos overtakes harmony. It is interesting to note that there has never been a true democracy--ever. Even during the Golden Age, there were always groups of people excluded from participations, be they slaves, non-property owners, women, the uneducated or poor. But is it unfathomable to think we can have a great society without any leadership. Monotheistic fundamentalist believe that humans need leadership, but the structure of such leadership has manifested in governments that elude the will of the people through misinformation, scare tactics and religion. Monotheistic fundamentalist believe in self-empowerment of society and the individual, equally. Only then clarity can prevail and suffering irradiated. It is the hope that one day technology will inform and empower us to self-government.

February 26, 2014
What is the Garden of Eden and the serpent about?

  As told by many traditions the story of Eden is where idyllic man lived in a garden of perfection and innocence. But, what is the story really saying? If we can divorce ourselves from our curiosity to explain our origins, can the story be brought to light? The garden story is of man at one time living in the absence of knowledge--in other words in ignorance. Many people believe that this was god's plan and god was happy with it. Actually, the story for those who seek knowledge, a warning that they knowledge is sinful and against god's will. It's desirable, according to traditional religious views to be ignorant. Expulsion from Eden is a reminder that knowledge leads to damnation. But how valuable is this lesson drawn from this traditional story? Is living in the "garden of ignorance" god's will? Conversely, knowledge is a temptation of satan. This story is about blame, guilt and repression. It's a distorted representation of good and evil. How can knowledge be in the realm of satan and evil. The monotheistic-fundamentalists rejects the notion that knowledge is inherently evil. On the contrary, knowledge is the path to understanding god, and to ending suffering. Knowledge is the key to Eden. Monotheistic fundamentalism does not ascribe human characteristics of deception, anger and rejection to god, and knowledge to satan. There is no forbidden fruit.

June 30, 2013
Is faith a choice?

  Yes. Most people believe what their parents believe. Is that enough to devote the spiritual self?  

March 26, 2013
How will humanity become utopian?

  Never. It appears that competition is part of our makeup as living creatures. Do we have some other capacity to exist, elevated from the rest of the animals? Probably not. There are illusions of esthetics, beauty, wealth, possessions or power that hide our true selves. Imagine, sitting down to an elegant restaurant, ordering beautiful food to be eaten and drunk with fancy implements making us feel supra-human. We are enamored with our vanities of superiority. Yet, on the white tablecloth rests a bloody feast to be devoured.
  Ironically, some say we are beneath animals, since many animals do not kill their own species. Many animals do not subjugate their own. We exploit our own, and any other life form we can grasp. It is uncontrolled dominion without any apparent balance. Be aware nothing in nature goes without balance. Unfortunately, no one wants to hear about the consequences. It is during times of upheaval that humanity gets a chance to evolve--a bit. It's unfortunate that it necessitates deconstruction of society and rebuilding of it, to resolve the problem. Typically two types of individual personalities emerge, characterized with opposing views attempting to resolve the problem: There is the individual who finds security and reverts to primal urges, that ultimately escalates to forms of aggression, and more suffering. And, there is the one who will evoke idealistic solutions, the utopian. Neither actually wins entirely, and a compromise is reached. This is not new, it's a familiar theme that repeats itself. What may happen some day is some new overwhelming challenges may be so insurmountable, an outcome maybe be bigger and more transforming. How much transforming? Not as much as one would hope. 
  Our genetic code, and makeup, will always be there and reversion to killing, robbing, cheating, raping, aggression, domination ...etc. will part of us. Our humanity will never be utopian because of our inherent biology. It is the quest of the monotheistic-fundamentalist to develop idealistic solutions and promote foremost and in front of aggression. Idealism, in itself, is not always a viable solution, but the quest idealistic solutions are always a goal to end suffering.

April 28,2013
What can we learn from the Boston tragedy?

  Nothing. The perpetrators are two Americans that were living a typical privileged American life, but had a need for something bigger. They already claimed their 15 minutes of fame by causing sever suffering to others. Actions such as these are meaningless. These are warriors and killers, who found an excuse to kill in hopes of being called heroes, and they will by their own kind. These perpetrators should be cast aside to oblivion and forgotten.

April 21, 2013
How was the world created?

  If you do not like physics, stop here. The universe can not be explained by what we see and observe. These are illusions. There is no matter, no time and no space. These are fabrications of what we perceive. The biggest fallacy of physics is the concept of "constants" like speed of light or gravity. These are just numbers that express our frame of view, but really are continuous. The basic unit and building block of the universe is time. Just time. Time builds our whole universe. Light? That's just time compressed and decompressed in linearly. Space is an illusion created by time. Lack of time has no space, and infinite space is infinite time. Gravity is time compressing. Mass is harmonized time, like a three dimensional psychedelic interference pattern of time. The universe coexists as infinitely large and at the same time infinitely small at the same time.
  It's not hard to imagine it. Think about TV signals that are invisible and chaotic around us, but yet they materialize as an picture on a TV screen. Our perception is similar. We experience our world as infinite nodes of time, making mater and energy materialize, as defined by the constants in physics. Endless other possibilities co-exist in the same time. Why does it appear that time moves forward? Time is an illusion moving forward. We (our conscience) exist only if progress from one state to the next. Like an LP record--music exists as the record and needle continue to move against each other. But the groves are still there after they have been played, and do not disappear. We too, move forward in "time" but our previous moments" do not disappear, our future moment are there, in front of us. 
  Does that mean that our existence is predetermined. No. It seems as with a longer timeline, more degrees of freedom are present increasing the possibility of many consciousness's. At the same time, subatomic states, for instance, have less degrees of freedom.
  It almost feels magical. make more sense to think of only one element as the basic unit of existence, and nothing else. The awesomeness and simplicity of creation does not stop here. Were did time come from?

March 31, 2013
When will things change for the better?

  In the new Age. Probably in about 200 to 500 years...or more.

March 24, 2013
How can good happen when there is so much hate?

  It's about education, and the prefrontal cortex. Neurologically, we have many brains in our body. There is the sympathetic and parasympathetic with bundles of nerves that act like brains for functions such as defecation, erection/ejaculation, breathing or vomiting and such. Next step up is the lower-functions of the cortex that effects instinctual goals like fornication, child rearing, food hunting, shelter, war and protection. Excesses of these lower-functions are responsible for all our "sins", or dysfunctions and social discourse. Obviously all our creativity and industry stems from these cortex needs, but also for all our atrocities and self-destruction.
  And finally there are the high functions located in the prefrontal cortex. This is for complex cognitive functions that include social skills, volition, reason, anticipation and negotiating conflict with the lower-functions. It can test reality by fabricating endless permutations of possibilities to find solution pathways. Some dreams test solutions and conflicts drawing upon past memory, visual, auditory and olfactory resources. It has powerful predictive capacities, but fact is critical for it to function. Testing reality for true-false perceptions is self-feeding and escalating, some call ecstasy or epiphany. Fantasy and false beliefs hinder the prefrontal function and produce absurd thought and uncontrolled lower-function desires, resulting in personal and social struggles. Monotheistic-fundamentalist strive to free minds from fictitious thoughts ending suffering.

March 17, 2013
Am I part of the middle class?

  No. There are two class systems people refer to that is confusing. Almost everyone belongs to the lower class. When people commonly talk about the "middle class" they are actually referring to the lower class. The lower class, however, is stratified by profession and income. For example, the lower class is subdivided into "the working class", "the middle class", "the professional class", "blue collar", "white collar", "the rich", "the wealthy", "the poor" ...etc. The lower class is characterized by individuals with professional skill or ability for physical work. So doctors, lawyers, CEO's, landlords, programmers, electricians, clerks or maids are all part of the lower class. 
  On the other hand, the middle class consists of individuals with capital ownership or capital investiture. This small class of people are the capitalists. They own the means of production like factories or financial institutions like the Federal Reserve Bank. They are often characterized as wealthy, not rich. Their income is not dependent on daily work and their time is their own. Savings or retirement does not make one part of the middle class.
  The upper class does not exist in many places, but does exist in some developing countries. The upper class consists of nobles that own humans as capital or possessions. Slavery is a form of the upper class system. The Royals of Europe no longer own human capital ("subjects"), as they are now part of the middle class, quickly becoming part of the lower class.
  In the view of monotheistic-fundamentalism, it is important to unveil illusion of who we are and how we fit into a society. Sometimes, people fight vehemently over ideas that do not exist in reality.

March 10, 2013
Why is birth control an issue?

  Population growth or birth control is multifaceted, Historically, low birth rates have negative economic implications in capitalistic societies. High birth rates have have a negative impact on totalitarian owned capital states. 
  Expanding religious institutions promote high birth rates for domination. Ethnocentric racists promote high birth rate for themselves to retain or gain politico-economic power. Environmentalist promote zero growth for sustainability. It is clearly self-evident why condoms, morning-after pills or pregnancy termination are such polemic issues.
  Monotheistic-fundamentalists do not view population growth as a sign of a god's blessings, therefore we promote a negative population growth. Only when the number of people's basic needs and resources match, can there be end of suffering and equilibrium.

March 3, 2013
Do we have true democracy in America?

  No. In America we have representative democracy and rarely instances of true democracy. Representative democracy is a democratic selection of rulers, albeit these rulers do have limited power. The view of monotheistic-fundamentalism espouses true democracy. True democracy is when all of the public makes all decisions about its self. This is the only path for a future without human suffering. Out of necessity, the general public will be educated to be able to make policy. This is the view and goal of monotheistic-fundamentalism.
  Currently, people are informed by means of emotional messaging on issues through news and advertizing. The informational content is manipulative if not corrupt of truth, without depth of facts and precedent. Confusion and chaos predominates. Fact and information is the underling power of a true democracy, and education is the vehicle. Monotheistic-fundamentalism offers a framework in enlightening the public to the power education. 
  Representative democracy failures, needless to delineate, including professional politicians, corruption, inertia, and waste; failing to represent common goals and interests that go against the will and interest of the people; misrepresenting in preference to special interest or select electorate cohort; problem-solving in retrospect rather than in anticipation. Under such representation, ultimately a society is governed by a patchwork of compromises that equilibrate on being bearable tolerances--short of rebellion. Such is our society of bearable suffering and spiritual dearth.

February 24, 2013
What is the view on life at conception?

  There seems to be a substantial amount of opinion about life and conception. Some claim they know what god's will is on this subject. Monotheistic-fundamentalism does not make any claims in knowing what god wants. When monotheistic-fundamentalists begin to make things up, then the foundation of the movement is diminished. It is imperative that the monotheistic-fundamentalist's views always reflect observation of reality in hopes of gaining a reflection of god. There is no other way of knowing but through observation.
  Life at conception is at peril from the very moment of creation. About 25% of all conceptions do not implant in the uterus. Another 25% of all conceptions result in spontaneous abortions (less than 6 weeks), and another 25% of conceptions result in miscarriages. If we were to make the assumption that sanctity of life is part of an "intelligent design" or god's will, then we could make the contrary conclusion that god is actually in the abortion business. This is absurd. All we can tell from this phenomenon is that preservation of every single life is not the case, and that there are other factors involved in determining the outcome of a pregnancy. This conclusion does not answer the question about god's view over the sanctity of life, but it does bring to light that life is not preserved with every conception; on the contrary, 75% terminate spontaneously after fertilization. Sanctity of life seems to be second in importance in the scheme of reproduction and creation. Only our morals can dictate reasons for terminating a pregnancy, and it appears that we are alone on this one.

February 17, 2013
Will there be an Apocalypse?

  Yes. But not as described in the tradition of christianity. Monotheistic-fundamentalists believe creation is complete and evolving. Creation does not require periodic tune-ups or a do-over by a "mediocre creator". It is clear that we have tried things that have failed, including theocracy, aristocracy, representative democracy, totalitarian/communism...etc. These organizations have not worked as acceptable social orders because they perpetuate suffering. These social orders have a few common denominators, including profit-margin economies, private ownership, consumerism and war. These are the root cause of suffering.  
  We will continue to evolve into the future, apparently in trial and error. Presently, our existence is dependent on a complex structure of religion, economy and government working in parallel fragmented. Conflicts occur because of struggles to authority by each institution. The complexity promotes an elite class.
  Changes occur with sacrifice, thus many predicting the apocalypse in the form of a "big" event and unearthing all problems once and for all. Not going to happen like that. Changes in humanity historically occur in small struggles. Those who believe in end-of-times are defeatists, and have a negative impact on humanity by devoting energy into end it.
  A number of so-called apocalyptic changes that do need to occur are an end to institutionalized religion, to profit based economy and to representative democracy. Monotheistic-fundamentalist is a faith system that integrates our emotional component for faith, leadership and practice. Monotheistic-fundamentalist promote changes on the individual level to include birth control, conservation of resources, and education. Monotheistic-fundamentalists promote changes in economy to include a non-profit token-based economy, and intrinsic valuation of goods and services. Monotheistic- fundamentalist promote changes in social structure to include a uniform standard of living.
  As such, structural changes in our social system would promote conservation, sustainability, health and wellbeing. We can end suffering by letting go of our entrenched beliefs and practices because they are destructive.

February 10, 2013
How do beliefs influence our democracy?  

  Besides our inherent belief in a god, there is an inherent willingness to subordinate to leadership and authority. The influence between religion and government has been dependently transformed bit by bit to the present system. America was founded by, among other things, religious zealots. There was no established state church in colonial times and multiple religious groups formed throughout colonization. It was because of this religious diversity that the drafters of the US Constitution took such pains to protect individual rights for the sake of their religious beliefs. The basis of establishing liberties in the Constitution were to protect all the colonies from the threat of an established national church, so colonist could continue to enjoy their established local theocracy. The Constitution, by large, was not to protect the individual colonists, although the language appeared as such. Ironically, these liberties have evolved in interpretation to protect the individual, and diffuse the role of religion at all levels of governance.
  This brings us to today's politics. The fact is that colonial America, in part, populated with religious zealots escaping persecution is not a ignorable circumstance. Just the same, on the other side of the spectrum, many immigrants left Europe to find liberty from their oppressive governments. Putting these two diametrically opposite types together is incompatible temperament, whether it's inheritable or not. It was an exodus of the discontent for different reasons that landed in America. Although inheritable temperament may not define each and every individual, but in general it does point to an explanation why European Americans have not blended, and are so consistently politically polarized over the centuries. 
  Besides that, an extraordinary alliance has occurred in the past half century with extremists and corporate capitalists. Somehow, the quest for serving god and business is of equal virtue. In this alliance, corporate capitalism has emerged as the model for leadership, replacing government (also called corporate statism). Now, it is a well-known fact that capitalism contributes and creates specific social problems that are not resolved effectively unless there is governance of a separate authority. 
  The current political struggle is to diminish US Federal authority by two factions, each striving to meet their political needs more effectively though the alliance. For large corporations, to continue maximizing divesting US capital to reinvest abroad in the quest of globalization-- traditionally similar to monarchy imperialism. These corporation can divest quickly by means of decreasing federal taxation, which is the limiting factor. Such divestiture is causing US economic decline, even though global corporations are growing with record profits. It's not readily apparent, but the creation of this new wealth is exclusive of Americans, or American economy. The capitalization in the US economy will never return because American citizens are not significant participants, and neither produce nor substantially consume in this new global economy. What is left in the American economy is the service sector, ranging form finance, academia, health care or research, to name a few.
  The other cohort of the alliance is the religious extremists with the hope to dissolve the US Federal laws and grow a local government reflecting their christian fundamentalist values. This group seeks to reinstate a theocracy, similar to what was enjoyed during colonial times. The only attainable method to realize this goal is at the local and state level. Part of the agenda is education. Much like the practices of other successful institutions such as the Catholics, Moslems and Communist China, the American religious extremists existence is threatened by education. The teaching of doctrines in children is essential in sustaining their heritage, even at the risk of obvious false fabrications in knowledge and reality. Another of their goals is to merge theology in the state and local government to translate their beliefs into laws. Although many religious extremists view themselves as tolerant of other religions, this is true as long as the others abide to their beliefs and social structure. Another aspect of extremist is the dissolution of social welfare. Their desire is to provide for the underprivileged through religious organizations, leaving their institution to determine the level of neediness and deserving. Or more often, in the tradition of the catholic institution, to receive charity, quid pro quo for listening to ministry.
  The relationship between our beliefs and our governance is profound. By understanding this relationship, the monotheistic-fundamentalist realizes the importance in the quality of belief system to promote an world.

February 3, 2013
Is the traditional god moral enough for us now?

  Traditional religions are based on writings called scripture. The origins of which are unknown and are generally passed down from antiquity. This is appealing because a shroud of mystery surrounds these writings elevating them as the word of god. People study and defend scripture, but no one knows who wrote them. Most believe that god wrote them through human possession. In fact these are oral traditions of past civilizations ending up on tablets or papyrus. They are not laws, or views, or wishes of god. In addition, many passages have not even endure the test of time. Scholastic purists perform contortions in reason to rationalize wrong ideology. Christian scriptures have been supplanted by newer scripture, the new testament. The change has come about because cultures of the time needed better religious principles necessary to cohere its people in step with socioeconomic changes.
  Presently, an increasing number of people are questioning their traditional religions and looking for something better. They are looking for something wholesome and coherent. They are tired of random theological terror and war in the present and past centuries. They see two thousand years of christianity failing to bring about a better world with peace. Some go as far as attributing religions to human suffering and war. Many people do not want to reject scientific discovery in fear of condemnation based in scripture. They do not want made-up explanations legitimizing traditional religious fallacies. Our humanity has developed beyond the centrism of the family, village, town, country, or religious sects. Many people are looking at the whole picture-- the globe and all its intricacies including the environment. Many are abandoning their own religion because of the inertia of traditionalism and tenacity of prejudice. The inter-dependency of all civilizations is now global and along with that, a whole new set of values are in demand. It is not surprising that so many new religious groups are cropping-up to explore and address new global issues. Monotheistic-fundamentalism is one of these religions. What makes monotheistic-fundamentalism different is that it is entirely a reality based religion. Facts are the basis of the writings. End of suffering is the new morality. This is important! Most religions are escapist in their philosophy. They assume that suffering can never end on earth, and only in the afterlife they can "live" without suffering--if they are faithful enough. As such, some people will do anything to get there. No one has ever conceptualized the heaven destination; Hence, there is conflicting scripture on its existence, its inhabitants or its admission policies. So powerful is the desire, people reject, forsaken and kill others as a means to this end. Families, communities and countries have been destabilized on the basis of erroneous assumptions of deity, piety, faith and heaven. Out of despair, people have accepted escapism, and institutionalized it into their religious traditions. Monotheistic-fundamentalism's core doctrine is that suffering can end on earth. This sets us apart as not the voice of despair, but the voice of confronting our existence head on. An increasing number of individuals are now trending towards simplicity in spiritualism, not threatened with conjecture.
  There are too many examples where traditional religions can't end suffering based on their principles; Therefore, monotheistic-fundamentalists condemn to accept these religions as legitimate. It is wrong for tribes to believe they are better because scripture says god loves them better. It is wrong to view the first-born as more deserving than the rest of the children. It is wrong to view women as possessions, appendages or extensions of men. It is wrong to kill people for land. It is wrong to kill people when they have done something wrong. It is wrong to believe people are re-born into life stations. It is wrong to undergo psychological disassociation from society to escape suffering. It is wrong to hope and wait for god end humanity.
It is, however, the monotheistic-fundamentalists' hope to end suffering forever.

January 27, 2013
What is the cost of aggression?

  Almost everyone, under some condition, will display aggression. Some individuals are more aggressive than others. Unfortunately there is need for aggression in our military fo the sake of our civilization. As long as there is a need, aggression will always be present in our society.
  We are a society of warriors that engage in warfare. We breed aggressive individuals that need to go into war and kill. When such individuals are not engaging in warfare, they turn in on their own society and kill their own members. So there will always be higher homicide rates during peacetime.
  Alternatively, an opposite individual exists that is adverse to aggression, but of course-- to be expected as inherent variability. As such, a dichotomy occurs that is paradoxical in theory and practice.
  The first ludicrous instance is the situation where children are reared in overprotective environments, as in homes and schools, but when they reach age, some are quickly pushed out to war and death. 
  The second ludicrous instance is when war hawks in power push us to war, protecting our way of life (American values) on the one hand, and their aversion and cowardice to any risk of injury to themselves or their property on the other. Our freedoms are subsequently relinquished in an effort to avert even the slightest risk of harm. So, there is a culture of warriors and cowards and an outcome is loss of our liberties. So, there are people who are fighting for our freedoms, there are people taking away our freedoms, and there is an enemy that essentially has the similar freedoms.
  The reason why the above view is confusing is because it is founded on false premises. Wars have nothing to do about liberties, or religion, or terrorism. Wars have to do everything with possessions. "I want something that does not belong to me and I am going to kill to take it. I don't care if I put to death people as long as I get what I want".
  The motivations of war are always about desire of wealth by the ruling classes wanting more opportunity. They have the power, the control and disposal of military. A shroud of idealism becomes the popularized common-man's view.
  As long as there is a ruling class that is motivated with desire for expansion of wealth, there will always be war and ultimately suffering for the rest of the world. The evolution of a country ends in desire for imperialistic expansion as in Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Roman Church, Spain, England, Germany, US and China. There are interest in Africa for rare earth minerals, Pakistan for lithium, Iran and Iraq for petroleum, and so on. The lessons of history show that countries rise, empires are built, and revolutions end them. In the meantime, the privileged benefit, and the rest suffer. 
  The role of monotheistic-fundamentalism is to dissolve the power of a ruling class, end war and end suffering. The monotheistic-fundamentalists view is to understand that desire for acquisition is meaningless when basic needs are met. Suffering of others for acquisition of wealth is immoral.

January 20, 2013
Why must we believe in god?

  One consistent observation of all cultures is the presence of a belief system. There is sun gods, moon gods, elaborate hierarchies of god, lesser gods, demigods, spirits with powers, plain spirits, humans with god powers, humans who communicate with gods, and supra-human intuition or perception. Why does this happen. What does it mean when someone claims they are spiritual or faithful?
  Looking at it in a scientific context: survival of humans depended on the elaboration of sophisticated social skills. Anthropological finding are pointing towards tribes with consistent features that define stable societies. The key features are of leadership, a belief system of a deity, and burial ritual. Although these features are embellished by cultural and learned behaviors, the basic need is inate. We are genetically built to follow,and be spiritual. As with all genetic characteristics, of course, there is variability in any of this. 
  Our need for faith and belief is an aspect of us that we need to understand because of the implications of controlling us and our evolution of our societies. The balance between our mental health and our culture, and ultimately our future is intricately related. Atheism does have to be the only alternative for progress. Most people who are secular still have not excluded a "greater power". 

January 13, 2013
Is charity a good way to help people in need?

No. Maybe for now it's the only choice in the way thing work, but charity is undesirable.
The motivations behind charitable people can be dubious, it feeds into the ego. That's not as important as the consequences of handling of contributions without any constructive plan. For individual donations charity is erosive to the recipients character and does not promote solutions. In most situations the recipient is scrutinized for worthiness, a selective process loaded with judgement and exclusion.
  As for corporate donations intended for institutional charity organizations, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Not that any of the charity organizations are not worthy, but there can be disproportionate funding, starving other area in desperate need. For example muscular dystrophy marathons were ongoing where a scarcity of money was going to AIDS research during the Regan years. AIDS was considered a homosexual disease, and at the time homosexuals were not deserving people. It wasn't till AIDS started to spill over to the heterosexual community, the disease was recognized as justified for corporate and government funding. A disproportionate number of people are still suffering from this assault to humanity of the Regan era.
  There are inherent problems of poverty, disease and tragedy in all societies. For thousands of years, charity has been the solution to this problem. We can do better to solve inherent problems and perils in our societies. 

Fundamental Monotheism truth withstands any point of view. Do your beliefs withstand that scrutiny?
If your truth exists only in darkness, you should have concerns!